The End of the Rainbow


               Ever had a moment in your life where all you can see is everyone looking in your direction, while throwing  a great old big smile to show how you’ve finally made it. This may sound like a normal introverts nightmare, but this is most eight year old students dream in second grade.When I was younger many kids around me slowly started discovering and started becoming know for a certain skill or talent they had. For some it would be reading, singing, and even art. They made themselves see a future with a real career they would love to pursue based on that skill. But I would fall right in the middle, confused and trying to understand what I’m good at. I always loved a little bit of everything and but thought that wouldn’t make sense and always tried to throw myself into certain paths to become passionate in. Eight year-old Sabrina  loved second grade, mostly because I had a great teacher named Mrs.Gallo. She was accepting and warm like my mother. And one day she assigned everyone to write about what they would do if they found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for saint Patrick’s day. But, of course went with what my heart told me and without any thought wrote “ if I find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, I would buy many, many French fries and happy meals from McDonald’s and buy my mom a lot of things because she loves me and buys me McDonald’s when ever I want .” To this day, I would change a thing about that wish, but little Sabrina didn’t think much of it and gave it to the teacher just hoping it would make it to the bulletin board.

                    The next day I’ve pretty much already forgotten about the paper the next day of school, but after lunch we all sat down in class and have been clearly instructed by Mrs.Gallo to“Sit down quietly and draw a picture for your writing till you are called on by me to review your writings.” At this point I couldn’t think straight or focus on anything. The loud laughing  voices from my table were blurring, I felt my cheeks turning warm and red. I didn’t assume at the time of writing this that this would be taken so seriously and I sure didn’t want to be called out by her. I thought of every worst case scenario. But as these thoughts were running through my head she started calling on people in my table, first was my table partner. I just watched her skip up to the teachers long table, all  was thinking was what is she taking this so lightly, does she not feel the fear and hostility in this room. I couldn’t hear much of what they were saying since the teachers table and my table were at the opposite ends of the room, so my next idea was to watch out for Mrs.Gallo’s face expressions. As i watched her face at first,Mrs.Gallo gave my table buddy a bright smile, then as she was going across the paper with her wand of doom, also known as the red grading pen she just kept a dull face. I took that as a red flag and thought “oh gosh, shes not happy, she’s going to rip me apart when she sees my paper.” So, she quickly sent back my table buddy and all I saw was a bunch of red marks on her paper but, a glowing smile on my partners face. To little Sabrina that was the most confusing situation ever. At this point I  didn’t have an option to get up and run away, but to mentally and physically prepare myself to take in any harsh criticism and to be ready to swallow back many tears. Then it happened, Mrs.Gallo called out the very name I wish didn’t exist at that point “Sabrina”. I just stood up and walked to her shaking with a smile. She started reading my paper with no expression on her face, then all she said was “Sabrina?”, I didn’t know what to think, what did I do so wrong?  “Yes, Mrs.Gallo” I proceeded to say. “This is the most funniest thing I have seen today” she says as she starts to laugh. I said “really, what happened?” cause as far as I remember I did not put any of my famous knock knock jokes on there. She continued to say” aww your the cutest thing, it’s nice how you want to but your mom gifts for buying you McDonald… You made my day.” I continued in the most excited voice saying “Thank you, thank you.” As I was walking away she told me “ don’t ever change Sabrina” and with the utter most brightest smile i walked to my table and and sat down with a sigh of relief . My table mates started asking me why she told me to never change and as i told them everything that just happened in the last 180 seconds, they all looked at me, smiled and simply just said “wow”.

                    Ever since that particular moment I believed Writing was best possible way to express myself as a person. Within that one day I learned so much about myself and life. First and foremost to never judge a book by its cover, just as I did with Mrs.Gallo’s face expressions, all I did was stress myself and almost give myself a heart attack. But to also have faith in myself, I kept doubting that I  would succeed and do well. But at the end I made someone smile, with just a few simple words that was nothing but honest feelings from my heart. Till this day I try to make my papers usually done for school assignments as close as possible to my personality,although most the time in high school it didn’t always make my teacher’s smile. But whether writing was meant for me or not which I willing to learn about myself in college , all I can do for now is to keep doing what I know I am able to fully do, to make one say just as Mrs. Gallo did “ you made my day.”